Life Writing

This blog will feature aspects of the author of Maus, the memoir itself and our overall interpretation and study of the memoir.

- Eden Anderson, Kelsey Nairn, Tanya Markovic & Jacqueline Rizek

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Personal Reflection+Review

Personally I truly respect and appreciate Maus: A surviver's Tale due to the fact that the author, Spiegelman, ingeniously implemented such a complex and horrid time, while allowing for the viewer to ease in and begin to understand the mood, atmosphere, emotion of the storyline. You begin to see through the mouses eyes, walking a foot in their shoes, allowing for the reader to achieve complete compassion towards Holocaust survivors and the events they so misfortunately endured. 

Below is a link for a video describing what the Holocaust was like through the eyes of a 'Maus', it is a true portrayal of the intended message behind the storyline and the making of the memoir. I know my fellow group member posted this video, though I found this to be a very relatable and eminent perspective to how I analyzed and understood Spiegelmen's intentions for Maus: A Survivor's Tale. 

Rating | 5/5 
A moving and invigorating tale, a true eye opener to the truth about the past.

Reference List

UWTV. (2014 May 2). The Holocaust through the eyes of a maus (Art Spiegelman) [Video file]. Retrieved Apr 5, 2015 from

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