Life Writing

This blog will feature aspects of the author of Maus, the memoir itself and our overall interpretation and study of the memoir.

- Eden Anderson, Kelsey Nairn, Tanya Markovic & Jacqueline Rizek

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

It’s All in the Title… The Significance of Maus

The title of the memoir Maus: A Survivors Tale has two different parts in the meaning. The first is the word maus that is a German word-meaning mouse. In the memoir the author portrays himself and his father, along with any other Jewish people as mice that distinguishes them from the rest of the people around. The persona of a cat has been given to any one whom is a Nazi really creating an obvious tension and different between the two classes. I believe Spiegelman did this not only to create a visual difference being a graphic memoir but the significance of the two specific creatures of a cat and a mouse is one has always been seen as hunting the other and the roles is never reversed. As the memoir is about Spiegelman’s father telling his story about making it through the holocaust and World War II the second part “A Survivors Tale” is simply stated to reiterate the memoir is that of a survivors. I felt the title and interpretation to be very clever making the word mouse, which represented the Jews into the German version of the word because every one had to conform to the ways of the Germans or Nazis.

Figure 1

Shmoop Editorial Team. "Maus: A Survivor's Tale What's Up With the Title?" Shmoop University, Inc., 11 Nov. 2008. Web. 1 Apr. 2015. <>.

Figure 1: I was a Teenage Lit Major. (2013). Book Talk #4: Maus: A Survivor's Tale. [virtual image]. Retrieved Apr 1, 2015 from


  1. Eden, I love how you used an image and how you kept it simple and to the point.

  2. Eden, I have to agree with your thought on the title being very clever. I never knew the whole meaning behind the title but now that I read your post it makes the title of the memoir much more significant to the content.

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